Searching for Soul
May 2024
+ wooded stucture
+ projection
+ Photo-resistor Light Sensor
+ interactive audio
+ LED light
+ mirror
Searching for Soul is a performative installation exploring the intersection between play/poetics and quantum physics as a means of self-discovery. I borrow and decontextualize symbols from an amalgamation of cultural influences such as cinema, theater, and mythology. Within each of these disciplines, we witness characters reflect our struggle with identity.
Often the protagonist (who we associate with ourselves) is thrust towards the uncertainty of erotic love to seek answers about themselves about the world until they understand the beloved only reflects their ideas about the reality of love. Thus, there is not a separate force acting upon us, but it is more accurately a world of beliefs we occupy. This notion of oneness intersects both modern science and ancient spirituality, but most improbable is in the essence of self-discovery.